Saturday, March 31, 2012

Don't you know: “The Journey of Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step”

Don't you know: “The Journey of Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step

Every journey, however long it is, begins with a single step. But you must take this step. If you take this first step, each step takes closer and closer to your dreams. Every step will guide you to the next.

Sometimes when you consider to taking on a new things to do-whether it is writing a new book, starting a new business, new savings plan for your child, starting exercise to lose your weight or something else- the task can be seem overwhelming. It’s as if the first step isn’t going to help to arrive at your final destination. When you look towards the end of the task it can be seem difficult. 

I have a very simple trick to start the task; yes I mention it’s very simple, with confidence “JUST START”. Take the first step, though it’s very small but take it. Then take another, another, followed by another, again one, one more, never stop continue taking the steps one after another. Don’t look how far you to achieve your goal. If you follow this simple plan you will amazed what you achieve over time.

Many more times people tell me about their task they are going to do. But in many cases these plans and dreams keep getting put off until; “The conditions is favorable”. One of the most powerful massages I can share with you; that is in almost every cases the condition you are witting for may not be favorable to you in next week or next year. Don’t worry the conditions have to be right. But you are still going to take that first step. If you take it now behalf of later you must be many steps closer to your dreams by this times next year,

Why you are waiting for?

Congratulation; you are going to take your first step, let’s start “Right here, Right Now”

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